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ZMK Studio

Alpha Feature

ZMK Studio support is in alpha. Although best efforts are being made, keeping compatibility during active development is not guaranteed.

ZMK Studio provides runtime update functionality to ZMK powered devices, allowing users to change their keymap layers without flashing new firmware to their keyboards. Studio is still under active development, and is not yet ready for casual end user use.


Building for ZMK Studio involves two main additional items.

  • Build with the studio-rpc-usb-uart snippet to enable the endpoint used for ZMK Studio communication over USB.
  • Enable the ZMK_STUDIO Kconfig setting.

GitHub Actions

First add a studio-rpc-usb-uart to the snippet property of your build configuration. For a split keyboard, you should do this only for your central/left side, e.g.:

- board: nice_nano_v2
shield: corne_left
snippet: studio-rpc-usb-uart
- board: nice_nano_v2
shield: corne_right

Next, enable the ZMK_STUDIO Kconfig symbol, for example by adding the following line to your .conf file:


Local Build

When building locally, use the -S parameter to include the studio-rpc-usb-uart snippet. Instead of adding it to your config file, you can also append the ZMK_STUDIO Kconfig as an additional CMake argument, e.g.:

west build -d build/cl_studio -b nice_nano_v2 \
-S studio-rpc-usb-uart -- -DSHIELD=corne_left -DCONFIG_ZMK_STUDIO=y

Including Unreferenced Behaviors

Normally, ZMK will only build and include behaviors that are referenced by your keymap and unused behavior will be skipped. However, ZMK Studio builds using the studio-rpc-usb-uart snippet will automatically define the ZMK_BEHAVIORS_KEEP_ALL value, which changes the approach and builds all possible behaviors into the firmware. This lets those behaviors be used in ZMK Studio.

A few controls are available to override this behavior for fine-grained control of what behaviors are built. Behaviors can be kept or omitted by defining certain values in the top of your keymap file, before the standard behaviors.dtsi file is included.

By convention, the defines used to keep/omit a given behavior are typically upper-cased versions of the behavior label, e.g. for the &kt behavior, the suffix to use would be _KT.

Omit Specific Behaviors

You can omit a specific behaviors by defining a variable like ZMK_BEHAVIORS_OMIT_KT at the top of your keymap:


#include <behaviors.dtsi>

Keep Only Selective Behaviors

To override the default "keep all" functionality, you can undefine the ZMK_BEHAVIORS_KEEP_ALL flag, and then keep only specific behaviors with a flag like ZMK_BEHAVIORS_KEEP_KT, e.g.:



#include <behaviors.dtsi>

Including Extra Layers

By default, a build with ZMK Studio enabled will only allow as many layers as are defined in your standard keymap. To make additional layers available for use through ZMK Studio, you simply add new empty layers to your keymap with a status of reserved, e.g.:

/ {
keymap {
compatible = "zmk,keymap";

base {
display-name = "Base";
bindings = // etc.

fn_layer {
display-name = "Fn";
bindings = // etc.

extra1 {
status = "reserved";

extra2 {
status = "reserved";

The reserved layers will be ignored during regular ZMK builds but will become available for ZMK Studio enabled builds.