Behavior Configuration
Some behaviors have properties to adjust how they behave. These can also be used as templates to create custom behaviors when none of the built-in behaviors do what you want.
See Configuration Overview for instructions on how to change these settings.
See the zmk/app/dts/behaviors/ folder for all default behaviors.
Config | Type | Description | Default |
CONFIG_ZMK_BEHAVIORS_QUEUE_SIZE | int | Maximum number of behaviors to allow queueing from a macro or other complex behavior | 64 |
Definition file: zmk/app/dts/bindings/behaviors/behavior-metadata.yaml
Property | Type | Description | Default |
display-name | string | Name of the layer, for use with a display or ZMK Studio |
Caps Word
Creates a custom behavior that behaves similar to a caps lock but deactivates when any key not in a continue list is pressed.
See the caps word behavior documentation for more details and examples.
Definition file: zmk/app/dts/bindings/behaviors/zmk,behavior-caps-word.yaml
Applies to: compatible = "zmk,behavior-caps-word"
Property | Type | Description | Default |
#binding-cells | int | Must be <0> | |
continue-list | array | List of keycodes which do not deactivate caps lock | <UNDERSCORE BACKSPACE DELETE> |
mods | int | A bit field of modifiers to apply | <MOD_LSFT> |
is treated as if it always includes alphanumeric characters (A-Z, 0-9).
See dt-bindings/zmk/modifiers.h for a list of modifiers.
You can use the following nodes to tweak the default behaviors:
Node | Behavior |
&caps_word | Caps Word |
Creates a custom behavior that triggers one behavior when a key is held or a different one when the key is tapped.
See the hold-tap behavior documentation for more details and examples.
Config | Type | Description | Default |
CONFIG_ZMK_BEHAVIOR_HOLD_TAP_MAX_HELD | int | Maximum number of simultaneous held hold-taps | 10 |
CONFIG_ZMK_BEHAVIOR_HOLD_TAP_MAX_CAPTURED_EVENTS | int | Maximum number of system events to capture while deferring a hold or tap decision resolution | 40 |
Definition file: zmk/app/dts/bindings/behaviors/zmk,behavior-hold-tap.yaml
Applies to: compatible = "zmk,behavior-hold-tap"
Property | Type | Description | Default |
#binding-cells | int | Must be <2> | |
bindings | phandles | A list of two behaviors (without parameters): one for hold and one for tap | |
flavor | string | Adjusts how the behavior chooses between hold and tap | "hold-preferred" |
tapping-term-ms | int | How long in milliseconds the key must be held to trigger a hold | |
quick-tap-ms | int | Tap twice within this period (in milliseconds) to trigger a tap, even when held | -1 (disabled) |
require-prior-idle-ms | int | Triggers a tap immediately if any non-modifier key was pressed within require-prior-idle-ms of the hold-tap | -1 (disabled) |
retro-tap | bool | Triggers the tap behavior on release if no other key was pressed during a hold | false |
hold-while-undecided | bool | Triggers the hold behavior immediately on press and releases before a tap | false |
hold-while-undecided-linger | bool | Continues to hold the hold behavior until after the tap is released | false |
hold-trigger-key-positions | array | If set, pressing the hold-tap and then any key position not in the list triggers a tap | |
hold-trigger-on-release | bool | If set, delays the evaluation of hold-trigger-key-positions until key release | false |
This behavior forwards the first parameter it receives to the parameter of the first behavior specified in bindings
, and second parameter to the parameter of the second behavior.
The flavor
property may be one of:
See the hold-tap behavior documentation for an explanation of each flavor.
is an array of zero-based key position indices.
You can use the following nodes to tweak the default behaviors:
Node | Behavior |
< | Layer-tap |
&mt | Mod-tap |
Key Repeat
Creates a custom behavior that repeats the whatever key code was last sent.
See the key repeat behavior documentation for more details and examples.
Definition file: zmk/app/dts/bindings/behaviors/zmk,behavior-key-repeat.yaml
Applies to: compatible = "zmk,behavior-key-repeat"
Property | Type | Description | Default |
#binding-cells | int | Must be <0> | |
usage-pages | array | List of HID usage pages to track | <HID_USAGE_KEY> |
For the usage-pages
property, use the HID_USAGE_*
defines from dt-bindings/zmk/hid_usage_pages.h.
You can use the following nodes to tweak the default behaviors:
Node | Behavior |
&key_repeat | Key repeat |
Key Toggle
Creates a custom behavior that toggles a key code on, off, or switches between the two states.
See the key toggle behavior documentation for more details and examples.
Definition file: zmk/app/dts/bindings/behaviors/zmk,behavior-key-toggle.yaml
Applies to: compatible = "zmk,behavior-key-toggle"
Property | Type | Description | Default |
#binding-cells | int | Must be <1> | |
toggle-mode | One of on , off , and flip | flip |
You can use the following node to tweak the default behavior:
Node | Behavior |
&kt | Key toggle |
Layer Toggle
Creates a custom behavior that toggles a layer on, off, or switches between the two states.
See the layer toggle behavior documentation for more details and examples.
Definition file: zmk/app/dts/bindings/behaviors/zmk,behavior-layer-toggle.yaml
Applies to: compatible = "zmk,behavior-layer-toggle"
Property | Type | Description | Default |
#binding-cells | int | Must be <1> | |
toggle-mode | One of on , off , and flip | flip |
You can use the following node to tweak the default behavior:
Node | Behavior |
&tog | Layer toggle |
Creates a custom behavior which triggers a sequence of other behaviors.
See the macro behavior documentation for more details and examples.
Config | Type | Description | Default |
CONFIG_ZMK_MACRO_DEFAULT_WAIT_MS | int | Default value for wait-ms in macros. | 15 |
CONFIG_ZMK_MACRO_DEFAULT_TAP_MS | int | Default value for tap-ms in macros. | 30 |
Definition files:
- zmk/app/dts/bindings/behaviors/zmk,behavior-macro.yaml
- zmk/app/dts/bindings/behaviors/zmk,behavior-macro-one-param.yaml
- zmk/app/dts/bindings/behaviors/zmk,behavior-macro-two-param.yaml
Property | Type | Description | Default |
compatible | string | Macro type, must be one of:
| |
#binding-cells | int | Must be
| |
bindings | phandle array | List of behaviors to trigger | |
wait-ms | int | The default time to wait (in milliseconds) before triggering the next behavior. | CONFIG_ZMK_MACRO_DEFAULT_WAIT_MS |
tap-ms | int | The default time to wait (in milliseconds) between the press and release events of a tapped behavior. | CONFIG_ZMK_MACRO_DEFAULT_TAP_MS |
With compatible = "zmk,behavior-macro-one-param"
or compatible = "zmk,behavior-macro-two-param"
, this behavior forwards the parameters it receives according to the ¯o_param_*
control behaviors noted below.
Macro Control Behaviors
The following macro-specific behaviors can be added at any point in the bindings
list to change how the macro triggers subsequent behaviors.
Behavior | Description |
¯o_tap | Switches to tap mode |
¯o_press | Switches to press mode |
¯o_release | Switches to release mode |
¯o_pause_for_release | Pauses the macro until the macro key itself is released |
¯o_wait_time TIME | Changes the time to wait (in milliseconds) before triggering the next behavior. |
¯o_tap_time TIME | Changes the time to wait (in milliseconds) between the press and release events of a tapped behavior. |
¯o_param_1to1 | Forward the first parameter received by the macro to the first parameter of the next (non-macro control) behavior. |
¯o_param_1to2 | Forward the first parameter received by the macro to the second parameter of the next (non-macro control) behavior. |
¯o_param_2to1 | Forward the second parameter received by the macro to the first parameter of the next (non-macro control) behavior. |
¯o_param_2to2 | Forward the second parameter received by the macro to the second parameter of the next (non-macro control) behavior. |
Creates a custom behavior that triggers one of two behaviors depending on whether certain modifiers are held.
See the mod-morph behavior documentation for more details and examples.
Definition file: zmk/app/dts/bindings/behaviors/zmk,behavior-mod-morph.yaml
Applies to: compatible = "zmk,behavior-mod-morph"
Property | Type | Description |
#binding-cells | int | Must be <0> |
bindings | phandle array | A list of two behaviors: one for normal press and one for mod morphed press |
mods | int | A bit field of modifiers. The morph behavior is used if any of these are pressed. |
See dt-bindings/zmk/modifiers.h for a list of modifiers.
You can use the following nodes to tweak the default behaviors:
Node | Behavior |
&gresc | Grave escape |
Sensor Rotation
Creates a custom behavior which sends a tap of other behaviors when a sensor is rotated.
Has two variants: with compatible = "zmk,behavior-sensor-rotate"
it accepts no parameters when used, whereas with compatible = "zmk,behavior-sensor-rotate-var"
it accepts two parameters.
See the sensor rotation behavior documentation for more details and examples.
Definition files:
- zmk/app/dts/bindings/behaviors/zmk,behavior-sensor-rotate.yaml
- zmk/app/dts/bindings/behaviors/zmk,behavior-sensor-rotate-var.yaml
Applies to: compatible = "zmk,behavior-sensor-rotate"
Property | Type | Description | Default |
#sensor-binding-cells | int | Must be <0> | |
bindings | phandles | A list of two behaviors to trigger for each rotation direction, must include any behavior parameters | |
tap-ms | int | The tap duration (between press and release events) in milliseconds for behaviors in bindings | 5 |
Applies to: compatible = "zmk,behavior-sensor-rotate-var"
Property | Type | Description | Default |
#sensor-binding-cells | int | Must be <2> | |
bindings | phandle array | A list of two behaviors to trigger for each rotation direction, must exclude any behavior parameters | |
tap-ms | int | The tap duration (between press and release events) in milliseconds for behaviors in bindings | 5 |
With compatible = "zmk,behavior-sensor-rotate-var"
, this behavior forwards the first parameter it receives to the parameter of the first behavior specified in bindings
, and second parameter to the parameter of the second behavior.
Sticky Key
Creates a custom behavior that triggers a behavior and keeps it pressed it until another key is pressed and released.
See the sticky key behavior and sticky layer behavior documentation for more details and examples.
Config | Type | Description | Default |
CONFIG_ZMK_BEHAVIOR_STICKY_KEY_MAX_HELD | int | Maximum number of simultaneous held sticky keys | 10 |
Definition file: zmk/app/dts/bindings/behaviors/zmk,behavior-sticky-key.yaml
Applies to: compatible = "zmk,behavior-sticky-key"
Property | Type | Description | Default |
#binding-cells | int | Must be <1> | |
bindings | phandles | A behavior (without parameters) to trigger | |
release-after-ms | int | Releases the key after this many milliseconds if no other key is pressed | 1000 |
quick-release | bool | Release the sticky key on the next key press instead of release | false |
lazy | bool | Wait until the next key press to activate the sticky key behavior | false |
ignore-modifiers | bool | If enabled, pressing a modifier key does not cancel the sticky key | true |
This behavior forwards the one parameter it receives to the parameter of the behavior specified in bindings
You can use the following nodes to tweak the default behaviors:
Node | Behavior |
&sk | Sticky key |
&sl | Sticky layer |
Tap Dance
Creates a custom behavior that triggers a different behavior corresponding to the number of times the key is tapped.
See the tap dance behavior documentation for more details and examples.
Config | Type | Description | Default |
CONFIG_ZMK_BEHAVIOR_TAP_DANCE_MAX_HELD | int | Maximum number of simultaneous held tap-dances | 10 |
Definition file: zmk/app/dts/bindings/behaviors/zmk,behavior-tap-dance.yaml
Applies to: compatible = "zmk,behavior-tap-dance"
Property | Type | Description | Default |
#binding-cells | int | Must be <0> | |
bindings | phandle array | A list of behaviors from which to select | |
tapping-term-ms | int | The maximum time (in milliseconds) between taps before an item from bindings is triggered. | 200 |
Two Axis Input
This behavior is part of the core pointing devices feature, and is used to generate X/Y and scroll input events. It is the underlying behavior used for the mouse move and scroll behaviors.
Definition file: zmk/app/dts/bindings/behaviors/zmk,behavior-input-two-axis.yaml
Applies to: compatible = "zmk,behavior-input-two-axis"
Property | Type | Description | Default |
#binding-cells | int | Must be <1> | |
x-input-code | int | The relative event code for generated input events for the X-axis. | |
y-input-code | int | The relative event code for generated input events for the Y-axis. | |
trigger-period-ms | int | How many milliseconds between generated input events based on the current speed/direction. | 16 |
delay-ms | int | How many milliseconds to delay any processing or event generation when first pressed. | 0 |
time-to-max-speed-ms | int | How many milliseconds it takes to accelerate to the curren max speed. | 0 |
acceleration-exponent | int | The acceleration exponent to apply: 0 - uniform speed, 1 - uniform acceleration, 2 - linear acceleration | 1 |