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Conditional Layers

Conditional layers support activating a particular layer (called the then-layer) when all layers in a specified set (called the if-layers) are active. This feature generalizes what's commonly known as tri-layer support, allowing activation of two layers (usually called "lower" and "raise") to trigger a third (usually called "adjust").

Another way to think of this feature is as a simple combo system for layers, just like the usual combos for behaviors.


Conditional layers are configured via a conditional_layers node in your .keymap file as follows:

/ {
conditional_layers {
compatible = "zmk,conditional-layers";
tri_layer {
if-layers = <1 2>;
then-layer = <3>;

Each conditional layer configuration may have whatever name you like, but it's helpful to choose something self explanatory like tri_layer. The following properties are supported:

  • if-layers specifies a set of layer numbers, all of which must be active for the conditional layer to trigger.
  • then-layer specifies a layer number that should be activated if and only if all the layers specified in the if-layers property are active.

Therefore, in this example, layer 3 ("adjust") will be activated if and only if both layers 1 ("lower") and 2 ("raise") are active.


Since higher-numbered layers are processed first, a then-layer should generally have a higher number than its associated if-layers so the then-layer can be accessed when active.


Activating a then-layer in one conditional layer configuration can trigger the if-layers condition in another configuration, possibly repeatedly.


When configured as a then-layer, a layer's activation status is entirely controlled by the conditional layers feature. Even if the layer is activated for another reason (such as a momentary layer behavior), it will be immediately deactivated if the associated then-layers configuration is not met. As such, we recommend avoiding using regular layer behaviors for then-layer targets.